Every year, more than 1200 international students travel from The Netherlands to a unique destination, for a weekend filled with tours, activities and parties!  @yestrips shows you the best of the […]

ISN: Bingo night

Loburg Molenstraat 6, Wageningen

Are you excited to have a fun Bingo night? On Monday the 21st of November, we will be in Loburg to have a bingo ISN, organized by our Activity Committee! […]


Tosti Tuesday

Global Lounge Plantage 2, Wageningen, Netherlands

Come to the Global Lounge to enjoy a tosti for only one stamp😋

Walk with the eldery 23-11

Rumah Kita Plein 15 augustus 1, Wageningen, Netherlands

On wednesday 23-11-2022 the Social Erasmus Committee organises the Walk With Elderly. We will gather around 9:45 in front of the elderly home Rumah Kita (Plein 15 Augustus 1, Wageningen) […]

Buddy Pick-up: GinTo tasting

From now on you can get monthly pickups to do something with your buddy family at home! This month you can pick up a gin tonic tasting set and taste […]


Valkenburg & Maastricht Excursion

On November 26th, our Excursion Committee is hosting an excursion to Valkenburg and Maastricht. It will be an all-day event, and we provide transportation, tickets for a Christmas market, and […]


Soup activity with refugees

Thuis Stationsstraat 32, Wageningen, Netherlands

On Monday the 28th of November, the Social Erasmus Committee is organising a SOUP activity with the collaboration with Thuis. We will make different types of food with the refugees […]

ISN: Karaoke

Loburg Molenstraat 6, Wageningen

Monday the 28th of November, we will have another karaoke at Loburg!!! 🤩🤩🤩 We will start at 21:00 with putting on some music and start singing our hearts out and […]

Tosti Tuesday

Global Lounge Plantage 2, Wageningen, Netherlands

Come to the Global Lounge to enjoy a tosti for only one stamp😋

Spanish Kitchen

SSR-W Generaal Foulkesweg 30, 6703 BS, Wageningen, Netherlands

When the weather is getting colder, we need to get warmer while tasting some Spanish food! 🇪🇸 On Tuesday the 29th of November, our Spanish members will prepare a typical 3 […]


Neon Party

Are you ready for the next partyyy?? 🔥 The Activity Committee is organizing a NEON party for you, 1st of December at the International Club (Marijkeweg 31). Come in your […]


Christmas card for elderly

Global Lounge Plantage 2, Wageningen, Netherlands

On Saturday the 3rd of December, we will make Christmas cards to send elderly. This activity will be organized by our amazing Social Erasmus Committee 🥳. A lot of elderly […]