Buddy Family Sinterklaas

Global Lounge Plantage 2, Wageningen, Netherlands

On Sunday 04-12-2022 , we will celebrate Sinterklaas with Buddy Families!  🎁 Sinterklaas is a typical Dutch holiday, in which presents are given to each other. During the afternoon, you will […]


Every year, more than 1200 international students travel from The Netherlands to a unique destination, for a weekend filled with tours, activities and parties!  @yestrips shows you the best of the […]

ISN: Bingo night

Loburg Molenstraat 6, Wageningen

Are you excited to have a fun Bingo night? On Monday the 21st of November, we will be in Loburg to have a bingo ISN, organized by our Activity Committee! […]


Tosti Tuesday

Global Lounge Plantage 2, Wageningen, Netherlands

Come to the Global Lounge to enjoy a tosti for only one stamp😋

Walk with the eldery 23-11

Rumah Kita Plein 15 augustus 1, Wageningen, Netherlands

On wednesday 23-11-2022 the Social Erasmus Committee organises the Walk With Elderly. We will gather around 9:45 in front of the elderly home Rumah Kita (Plein 15 Augustus 1, Wageningen) […]

Buddy Pick-up: GinTo tasting

From now on you can get monthly pickups to do something with your buddy family at home! This month you can pick up a gin tonic tasting set and taste […]


Valkenburg & Maastricht Excursion

On November 26th, our Excursion Committee is hosting an excursion to Valkenburg and Maastricht. It will be an all-day event, and we provide transportation, tickets for a Christmas market, and […]


Soup activity with refugees

Thuis Stationsstraat 32, Wageningen, Netherlands

On Monday the 28th of November, the Social Erasmus Committee is organising a SOUP activity with the collaboration with Thuis. We will make different types of food with the refugees […]

ISN: Karaoke

Loburg Molenstraat 6, Wageningen

Monday the 28th of November, we will have another karaoke at Loburg!!! 🤩🤩🤩 We will start at 21:00 with putting on some music and start singing our hearts out and […]

Tosti Tuesday

Global Lounge Plantage 2, Wageningen, Netherlands

Come to the Global Lounge to enjoy a tosti for only one stamp😋

Spanish Kitchen

SSR-W Generaal Foulkesweg 30, 6703 BS, Wageningen, Netherlands

When the weather is getting colder, we need to get warmer while tasting some Spanish food! 🇪🇸 On Tuesday the 29th of November, our Spanish members will prepare a typical 3 […]


Neon Party

Are you ready for the next partyyy?? 🔥 The Activity Committee is organizing a NEON party for you, 1st of December at the International Club (Marijkeweg 31). Come in your […]
