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Walk with the Elderly

Do you love Wageningen? Do you want to make a real change? Do you want to give back and help the community that has given to us so much? Then let’s come together at our Walk with the Elderly activity!

Together with the Rumah Kitah elderly house, ESN Wageningen organises the Walk with the Elderly morning activity on the 29th of May! Starting from 10:00am until 12:30 at noon, we will be walking around the elderly to the Wageningen market and back, showing them the nice environment that we enjoy on a daily basis! The activity is part of the Social Erasmus initiative of ESN and aims to contribute back to the environment around us, helping vulnerable groups!

After the activity, you can also enjoy a drink or some cake/snacks for FREE!

If you are interested in joining, then make sure to sign up BEFORE MONDAY (27th May) here. Please come 5-10 minutes before the start at the event. If you sign up but cannot make it, then tell us in advance before the end of Sunday, May 23:59 so we can tell Rumah Kitah. Alternatively, you can find a replacement and that would also work!

The elderly are counting on you! Let’s make a real change and help them out!

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